2022 Spring Season & 2023 Winter Season
What you need to know!
1. Your registration will not be finalised until all fees have been paid to the club. All fees must be paid at time of registration.
2. By registering, a player and parent/guardian agree to be bound by the MyNetball and Woodlands Netball Club Code of Conduct below. All other policies can be found here.
3. Club Junior Teams (Year 5 and 6) are selected on the basis of a players' social/school level and playing ability. Team selection is at the absolute discretion of the Club. No refunds of Registration Fees will be made if a player/parent does not accept the team a player is selected to play in.
4. By registering, you agree to ensure the club dresses / shirts, which are provided by the club , are returned at the end of the season. Damaged or lost uniforms will incur a $40 fee and you understand that you will not be eligible to register the following year without payment or return of uniform.
5. With respect to refunds of the Woodlands Club Registration Fees, you agree to the following refund policy:
- That should you, or your child, decide not to play after registering, and prior to registration closing date (10th March), you will incur a 10% cost of refunding your fees (you will be refunded 90% of your fee, this accounts uniform preorders).
- That should you, or your child, decide not to play post team selection, there will be no refund.
- Should your child be injured or sick and produce a medical certificate, or you are moving away from WA, that impacts their ability to complete the season, refunds will be agreed on a case-by-case basis.
* In the event the season is cancelled due to COVID 19, the Committee will determine appropriate refunds.
Please note that a copy of the player's birth certificate must be supplied at registration if you are a new player to the club. A requirement by WA Netball.
The Woodlands Netball Club follow the Code of Conduct practices as outlined by the Perth Netball Association for all players, team officials and spectators. Acceptance of these policies is automatic upon payment of fees. Please read the Code of Conduct so you know your obligations to the club and PNA. This is to ensure that all concerned will follow the club's ethos and promote the well being and development of netball.
All players must realise that they play as part of a team/club, not as an individual. Actions of players reflect on the club as a whole. As club members we must ensure that we promote positive impressions through our:
- Behaviour, both on and off court
- Body language
- Interaction with other teams, players, coaches and umpires
- Good sportsmanship
If a player cannot take part in the whole training session due to feeling unwell, they will be evaluated as to game time on match day.
Player's attendance and participation at training will determine court time on game day. All players need to commit to training, that is to treat training as you would a game. It is a requirement that all players put in the same effort at training; this will benefit the whole team and make training fair for everyone.

Become a part of our community
We love new members joining our club and becoming a part of the supportive community which we have established.